3 Steps to build a better butt

Get a better butt in three simple steps
Junk in the trunk – J-Lo booty – I even heard a new one the other day, gluteous seximus. We’ve all seen it. Women want it. Guys like it. Maybe you just want to pass the pencil test. Here’s how to get that butt that you can be proud of!
There’s three keys to a bodacious backside:
- Genetics – Look, some people are just blessed with certain genetics. Yes, I’m talkin’ about butt genes. Those who are just born with it, they don’t have to do anything. Our genes play a major part in what we are capable of accomplishing when it comes to building our bodies. For instance, short people pack on muscle easier than tall people. Go figure. Some models are just gifted with natural looks. Others pay a lot of money (a LOT) to get/maintain their looks.
- Food – This one falls under the “Duh” category. It’s pretty easy to figure out that if you have a round butt that is “nutritionally induced”, you’re going to have a few other round features. For most, this isn’t the look that we want. (It just dawned on me how superficial this post is-bare with me).
- Work it! – If you weren’t one of those that was gifted by your parents with a rockin’ booty, you’re going to have to build a better bum. Yep, you’re going to have to work those muscles. We’re not talking about walking, running or skipping here either. Use the following three exercises as a base. Add in some of the others. Maybe even take a pole dance class.
- Squats – This compound exercise is the King (or Queen) of leg/butt exercises. If you don’t have access to a barbell or dumbbells, just do body weight squats. In that case, I want three sets of 20. Better yet, if you have a barbell (dumbbells are second choice), load it up. Don’t go too crazy here, but don’t cheat yourself either. Add enough weight that you’re working hard to get three sets of 10.
- Step-ups – Get yourself a kitchen chair. Whatever you do, don’t use a rolling office chair, or folding card table chair. If you have a wooden box to use, even better. The object here is to step up with one foot, bring both feet to the top, and step down with the same foot. Then repeat with the other foot. Three sets of 10 on each side. I know, you’ll hate me after your done. But wait-there’s more.
- Lunges – After those squats and step-ups your legs and buns will be begging for mercy. Show none! Put your hands on your hips, or behind your head. Take one step forward with one leg, bend at the knee until your back leg almost touches the ground. Do not slam your knee into the ground. The thigh of the front leg should be parallel to the ground. Now step back to the starting position, and repeat on the other side. Do another three sets of 10 on each side. These work awesome stepping backwards as well.
There are more exercises to get a fantastic fanny, but these are the base. All others are just wannabes in the keister building world.
Now we urge you to go forth and build a better butt with these three steps. Do not fear a terrific tush. Okay, I’m out of hinie ammo.
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April 12, 2010 at 11:51 am
I’ve always been plagued by a flat butt. It’s never really bothered me, but I’d like to have a little more back there. I’ve always been scared to do too many squats because I don’t want bigger legs though.
April 12, 2010 at 12:59 pm
You had me at “better butt”
April 12, 2010 at 2:06 pm
@Anne – I wouldn’t worry about your legs getting too big from doing squats. The will work your legs, but you should be fine
@Julie – It’s just one of those areas that I’m always asked about. These three exercises are a fantastic base.
November 8, 2010 at 6:01 am
[…] Plus, if you’re serious about building a killer backside, check out 3-Steps to Build a Better Butt. […]
December 2, 2010 at 1:07 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer and Todd Boyer, Wilfredo Mena, MArch. Wilfredo Mena, MArch said: #Women #Fitness RT @PhitZone: 3 Steps to build a better butt http://bit.ly/eTA5Sc […]